Minggu, 06 Desember 2015

^ Free PDF Civil-Military Relations in Perspective: Strategy, Structure and Policy, by Stephen J. Cimbala

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Civil-Military Relations in Perspective: Strategy, Structure and Policy, by Stephen J. Cimbala

Civil-Military Relations in Perspective: Strategy, Structure and Policy, by Stephen J. Cimbala

Civil-Military Relations in Perspective: Strategy, Structure and Policy, by Stephen J. Cimbala

Free PDF Civil-Military Relations in Perspective: Strategy, Structure and Policy, by Stephen J. Cimbala

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Civil-Military Relations in Perspective: Strategy, Structure and Policy, by Stephen J. Cimbala

The topic of civil-military relations has high significance for academics, for policy makers, for military commanders, and for serious students of public policy in democratic and other societies. The post-Cold War and post-9-11 worlds have thrown up traditional as well as new challenges to the effective management of armed forces and defense establishments. Further, the present century has seen a rising arc in the use of armed violence on the part of non-state actors, including terrorists, to considerable political effect. Civil-military relations in the United States, and their implications for US and allied security policies, is the focus of most discussions in this volume, but other contributions emphasize the comparative and cross-national dimensions of the relationship between the use or threat of force and public policy. Authors contributing to this study examine a wide range of issues, including: the contrast between theory and practice in civil-military relations; the role perceptions of military professionals across generations; the character of civil-military relations in authoritarian or other democratically-challenged political systems; the usefulness of business models in military management; the attributes of civil-military relations during unconventional conflicts; the experience of the all-volunteer force and its meaning for US civil-military relations; and other topics. Contributors include civilian academic and policy analysts as well as military officers with considerable academic expertise and experience with the subject matter at hand.

  • Sales Rank: #3546617 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2013-04-28
  • Released on: 2013-04-28
  • Format: Kindle eBook

'In this volume, Stephen Cimbala and a host of collaborators clearly and comprehensively examine civil military relations from a variety of perspectives. For academics, policy makers, and military professionals, this is a must read.' Lawrence J. Korb, Center for American Progress, USA 'This book makes a valuable contribution to the field of study in civil military relations. It ranges from prior to WWI through the Arab Spring and includes an impressive group of contributors who have examined military and civil leaders under stress in the counterinsurgency and stability environments. This book is recommended to all serious students of the topic.' Bill Flavin, US Army War College

About the Author
Stephen J. Cimbala, Distinguished Professor of Political Science, Penn State Brandywine, USA

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