Selasa, 30 September 2014

? PDF Ebook Priceless Stones: 42 Days of Hebrew Promises for Kingdom Living, by James Revoir

PDF Ebook Priceless Stones: 42 Days of Hebrew Promises for Kingdom Living, by James Revoir

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Priceless Stones: 42 Days of Hebrew Promises for Kingdom Living, by James Revoir

Priceless Stones: 42 Days of Hebrew Promises for Kingdom Living, by James Revoir

Priceless Stones: 42 Days of Hebrew Promises for Kingdom Living, by James Revoir

PDF Ebook Priceless Stones: 42 Days of Hebrew Promises for Kingdom Living, by James Revoir

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Priceless Stones: 42 Days of Hebrew Promises for Kingdom Living, by James Revoir

Journey with the author on a forty-two day quest to unearth the amazing goodness of God which lies hidden in the original Hebrew language of the Old Testament. Along the way, you will discover...

His merciful forgiveness
His intimate love
His powerful protection

And so much more!

  • Sales Rank: #2284963 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2013-02-13
  • Released on: 2013-02-15
  • Format: Kindle eBook

About the Author
James Revoir has been walking with the Lord since 1985 and has experienced the manifold goodness of God all along the way. James fell in love with the Hebrew language during his seminary experience at Oral Roberts University, where he completed his Master of Divinity in 2008.

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Insightful and Grace-filled!
By Gretchen
"Priceless Stones" truly does live up to its title, as the gems received are of immeasurable worth. James Revoir has such a pastor's heart full of God's love and grace, which is so evident throughout this book. Revoir is a tremendous teacher and his passion for and knowledge of the Bible, particularly the original text, will bless everyone who reads "Priceless Stones". The personal examples and other analogies are relevant, meaningful and help to further shine light on the significance of each Hebrew promise. "Priceless Stones" is a wonderful personal devotional, but would also serve well in small groups. I strongly recommend this book to anyone who would like to draw closer to the heart of God. Those who read it will fall more deeply is love with the Ultimate Lover.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Great Book
By MaryAnn
A profound, moving book...refreshing, inspiring. Priceless Stones is his most skillfully written. This is one of the most profound books I've ever read. I love the author's style, insights and content. I just finished this beautiful novel, and found it both an educational and an emotional experience. I am impressed in how well this book is set up. It is very useful and complete. I recommend it to others who love to study the Word of God, it's a great resource.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
It's okay
By MarjoV
Read a chapter a day of this book and learn many important Hebrew words! It will deepen your knowledge of God's Word...
Personally, I found this book informative in ways, yet not incredibly convicting or life-changing; yet perhaps you will gain from it more than I.

Some things that bothered me in this book where the following:
The author desn't give the meaning of the Hebrew word of the chapter until middle of chapter.
Since I like systematic studies of- anything!- I found this book slightly random as to the order in which the words are taught. However, that very relaxed style lends to easy spontaneous reading, which is good for many people's busy schedules.

Lastly, I don't appreciate the prescribed prayers and especially declarations at the end of each chapter which are meant for any reader to proclaim yet which cannot be true for every reader, that is certain.

I thought it was good how the author brought many real-life instances into the book which helped bring the lessons on God's goodness or strength to life!

the author's bio declares....''James has a passion to invite the reader to not only be acquainted with, but to personally experience, the amazing, incomprehensible, boundless love of God and to radically encounter Him on a deeply intimate level to such an extent that the reader is never the same again. ''

I received this book to review through BookCrash...I was encouraged to express my full opinion. I would like to thank both BookCrash and the publisher of this book for allowing me to read and share my thoughts.

See all 24 customer reviews...

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