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Destination in Doubt: Russia since 1989 (Global History of the Present), by Stephen Lovell
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The enormously complex changes triggered by the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe were nowhere more ambiguous than in the heartland of the Soviet bloc, Russia itself. Here the population was divided on all the most fundamental questions of post-communist transition: economic reforms, the Communist Party, the borders of the state, even the definition of the Russian 'nation' itself. Russians also faced plummeting living standards and chronic uncertainty. In a matter of months, Russia was apparently demoted from 'evil empire' to despondent poor relation of the prosperous West. Yet the country also seemed alarmingly open to all manner of political outcomes.
Russia deserves our attention now as much as ever, because it raises so many of the big questions about how societies operate in the modern world.
- Sales Rank: #2162980 in eBooks
- Published on: 2013-04-04
- Released on: 2013-04-04
- Format: Kindle eBook
"Usually Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union is the purview of political scientists, but in this short, smart book Stephen Lovell gives us a history of the catastrophes and resurgences that Russians have experienced since 1989. His account is lively and informed and offers both students and specialists facts and insights that will guide them through the vicissitudes of post-socialism."--Ronald Grigor Suny, Charles Tilly Professor of Social and Political History, University of Michigan "Stephen Lovell is an attentive, well-informed historian concerned with one of the most dramatic periods in the modern history of Russia. Without simplification or bias, he describes the decay of the Soviet institutional system and the establishment of new relations between state and society. I would recommend this book to all those who look for non-trivial approaches to understanding the modern world."--Dr Lev Gudkov, Yuri Levada Analytical Center, Moscow
"A short but acute study of the changes that have swept over the world's largest country since 1989, and perhaps the best starting point to read about it that is now available in English. This is a book that raises the big questions and at least begins to answer them; it should have a wide readership."--Stephen White, Professor of International Politics, University of Glasgow
About the Author
Stephen Lovell is a Reader in History at King's College London.
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